Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Happy Accident

Late October of 2005 we were plan to go to Guanajato for a week as part of our travels through the colonial highlands. As the Cervantes festival was going on we decided to check out Zacatecas.

Much to our surprise we happened upon the street theater festival.

Here are a few pictures to help you get an idea of the atmosphere and moody of the city and festival.

I hope you get a chance to visit it yourself.


Don Quixote de la Mancha

There is a little alley beside the hotel, rounding the corner one day we ran into Don Quixote, or should I say he ran into us!

United Nations across the street.

Right across the street from the hotel is a small plaza used for various shows.
While a great deal of the shows were in Spanish, their were a great variety of international performers.

When we first arrived at the hotel a group was doing Madame butterfly and then the next day a Russian (I think) group was doing a circus style show.

BTW the Preying Mantis group was from France!

A Room With A View

Just sitting in our room we hear some drums.
Looking out the window we see a troupe of performers dancing their way down the street.

15 minutes later as we are leaving the hotel an entirely different group is now performing in from of the hotel.

Now that's something you don't see every day!

It is quite the site to see a truck that has been converted into a giant mechanized preying mantis.
With a band playing music in the back, an elongated neck and head attached to the front looking into second story hotel rooms!

A variety of people costumed, as I don't know what following the procession.

The biggest surprise of all is the face of the preying mantis is "played" by a person.
If you cant see the "face" clearly, just click on the picture for a larger view.


The fun thing about the street theater festival, is you never know what you will come across when.

Like the ghosts of some unknow creature strolling down the street!

Carved Stone Church

Another striking facade in town is the intricately carved face of the church.

The fountain by twilight

In one of the parks is a beautiful fountain that is painted in multicoloured lights.
If you look to the upper right of the photo you can see La Buffa, a major landmark in the area.

A Huichol on La Buffa

We visited La Buffa and found this Huichol artist and some of his crafts.
We ended up getting a jaguar head before we left.

My Favorite Restaurant

This restaurant is a little hard to find down an alley but well worth it.
Great food, friendly staff and it was dining here one night we watched an old fashioned wedding proposal, down on one knee.

And yes, she accepted.